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So I ticked off that bucket list and its damn liberating

Hey fellow hikers... There's something about that #BucketList that feels so surreal when you tick off something you've wanted to do over and over again...Well, first weekend of the 2018 this became a reality I ticked off what I deemed a long coming hiking trail i've longed to do.

Most Aquarians will relate to this, once something disappoints you, suddenly there's an immediate urge to visit that #MustDo action list that’s been collecting dust, then out jumps to you something that will make you forget the disappointment you've just encountered, and the adrenaline is amplified. Getting ahead of myself here.

I have a passion for hiking but had never really done an over-night hike. For years I’ve been doing day hikes, anything ranging from easy to difficult, say 3km to about 17km trails and this was my next sudden chosen adventure… not just any adventure but damnit …!!! I had to make it a memorable one because nje we aquarians are about that life and so much more. Oh goodness, enough with the suspense already. So I woke up one morning in late November, bored and flipped through Instagram and Facebook, you know how we do? Yes you do I know you do it too… listen, we in this together so no judging. And so there it was, an event on Facebook calling all people wanting to do the overnight hike on the Drakensberg Amphitheatre, I thought, wait what are you kidding me? His sideline was I only take 12 hikers so first come first served. Within 5min of the post I had already called him and paid… yes I’m that girl, act now and think later *hides face*, trust me it has its perks. I was probably the first one to call and pay.

And then my word… he sent the checklist which meant SHOPPING, every girls dream right, my worst nightmare… so anyway online I went because I had less than a month to get things together AND AND (side note: I’m such a bargain girl and competition girl so) I went hunting for bargains, because it’s the season to be silly, silly!!! Contrary to popular belief, or that of my sister’s, I’m super big on research. So before shopping I went on hiking community sites, spoke to SOOOOOOOO many people online without revealing to a soul what I’ve gotten myself into, it was research as the next progressive step from being a day hiker right? Wrong!!!! My heart was literally pumping outside my body in excitement… adventure does that to me. Like I forget everything else around me, live, breathe, smell, eat that adventure until it actually happens… Remember I’m aquarius, we tend to live in our heads a lot more than deemed normal. Let’s just say similar to that boy meets girl type of teenage love in it’s infancy. Haha now you get it!! I digress.

I checked so many online stores, you name it online second hand stores, Outdoor Warehouse, Sportmans Warehouse, Drifters, Trapper you name them, I literally eye shopped until I decided on what was best for me at the time. I shopped till I dropped, and killed my wifi and wallet along with all that shopping. Needless to say I was excited and I bought so many unnecessary things that I actually never got to use…

Don’t stress though, on one of my next posts I’ll take you through my amateur packing, what works and what doesn’t, and yeah I’ll tell you all about my exciting adventure…

Let me get your taste buds or eyes, salivating for my next post in the meantime…

See you on the trails hikers !

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Dear Lerato,

What an absolute pleasure listening to you speak on Saturday – thank you so much for sharing your experiences and memories with us. You really are an accomplished speaker! I hope that there will be many occasions where we can collaborate in the future as we try to make the cancer journey a little (…preferably a lot) less awful.



Rowan Robinson

Navigator/Quality Lead

Cancer Care Division
Netcare Limited

Dear Lerato
The Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) would like to thank you for your generous contribution, as a speaker for the IRMSA AWARDS WEBINAR on the 08 of December 2021. We have received such great feedback from our delegates with regards to the event, programme and content and we sincerely appreciate your involvement, which assisted in making this such a successful event. It is through meaningful partnerships and investment that the Institute is able to grow and invest in strategic programmes for our members and we value your support in this regard.
We look forward to working with you again in the future.

Mokgaetji Pat Semenya



Thabile Nyaba

IRMSA President


Dear Lerato,

We could not have chosen a better Speaker in Lerato Monyatsi.  The content Lerato shared was pertaining to her disability and experiences she encountered within her personal and professional life.   She assisted us in providing insights to colleagues in similar situations, allowing them to bring their vulnerable and authentic selves into the workplace without fear of judgement or criticism.  The experiences she shared provided all colleagues with a view of how to best equip and enable themselves with the right tools and support that the organisation has available for them to empower all to bring their unique contributions and come as they are.


The relay of her experiences provided colleagues with a renewed confidence in disclosing and declaring their disabilities. We received several calls and requests from colleagues for various support and responses to questions relating to different types of disabilities.  We remain grateful for her contribution and encouragement in facilitating the transformation of mindsets of colleagues in similar situations.

Margaret Tifflin

Diversity & Inclusion Specialist


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A SkirtgirlHiker, loves mountain tops and shotleft travels ... come on the journey with me... #SkirtGirlHiker


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SkirtGirlHiker hikes Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to raise funds for Cancer and Ostomy Patients..


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