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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Aug 26, 20225 min read
LIFT AS YOU RISE, and as you learn, TEACH – The Kilimanjaro Women Hike
It is so often said to lift as you rise and teach as you learn. These are merely statements others may utter as you go about life, but...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
May 3, 202212 min read
A Place of Many Waters - The Otter Trail
I remember stepping out of the plane wondering if I had done enough. Clouded by thoughts of worry - “but I have been to this forest...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Aug 20, 20215 min read
... A Few of my Favourite things 🎼🎼🎤🎤
T H E _ W E E K E N D is upon us and well i'm wondering... what are you getting up to and What are some of the items you can’t do without...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Aug 15, 20215 min read
An Ostomate on Trail
I am an Ostomate - Can you tell ? :-) SO! A year has gone by and decided to take a moment to reflect. REWIND! Surgery is done, I’m slowly...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jun 16, 20213 min read
Old Adventures became my Inspiration to Fight on
My Body has gone through so much. Mentally and physically and I wonder how it is that I’m still here, how blessed I am to still be here....
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jun 16, 20212 min read
First Ascent Ladies Luxor Shirt: A review by Skirt Girl Hiker
Source: Ladies Luxor Shirt: A review by Skirt Girl Hiker - Blog - Community - Explore - First Ascent Date: 04 September 2020 I recently...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jun 16, 20215 min read
Lerato Monyatsi – Summiting the Mountain called Colon Cancer
SOURCE: Oncology Buddies Vibrant Lerato Monyatsi shares how she is climbing her way to victory over colon cancer. Lerato Monyatsi (39)...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jun 15, 202110 min read
Everyday Hiking Hero: Lerato “SkirtGirlHiker” Monyatsi
Source: Hiking South Africa 26 November 2019 Everyday Hiking Hero: Lerato "SkirtGirlHiker" Monyatsi - Hiking South Africa HSA: Name,...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
May 11, 20216 min read
Camping Adventure at Blyde River Canyon fit for a 10yr old anyone?
I'm having dejavu. Travel with me in time for a moment wont you?. It’s 2019 and he is turning the big double digit number on 21st May...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Apr 27, 20207 min read
Mount Sheba Rainforest, A true Pilgrim’s Rest
The year is 2018 and here goes another Friday like any other, well to everyone’s eyes maybe but my heart was undeniably paralyzed with...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Apr 13, 20202 min read
WATCH - While in Kenya... Maasai Mara Community
While in Kenya, we took a 2 hour drive from Nairobi to Maji Moto in Narok. A small Maasai Mara Community. Read one of my blogs on this...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Mar 30, 20205 min read
CoronaVirus has me taking stock of blessings
In a world so full of noise, uncertainty, fear and failure, I’ve been given an opportunity to pause, reflect and certainly count my...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Mar 12, 20205 min read
Her Moody Beauty - Arangieskop
I remember her, I remember her beauty but I also remember how moody she was when she finally showed up. She looked beautiful, clothed...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jan 16, 20205 min read
R I S I N G _ O F _ T H E _ S U N
If anything I’ve come to accept certain things in life happen for a reason, perhaps leave you frustrated, a little disgruntled or even...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Dec 17, 20194 min read
To the young brave-hearts and parents who are winging it…
It's friday night, me and young squad, Aobakwe (my 10 year old son) are camping the weekend at our annual #Mommy'sCamp. I remember the...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Oct 12, 20192 min read
Of Villages in a Far Away Country
I recently visited the Maasai Community in Maji Moto, Narok in Kenya with friendships after our Mount Kenya climb, goodness how is it...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jun 13, 20184 min read
Of Nights in the Rain Forest - Magoebaskloof
It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting in the car park at Delta Environmental Park having just dropped off Aobakwe, my 9-year-old boy for...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jan 25, 20182 min read
Soweto June 16, down memory lane with my 8 year old son
I woke up on June 16, 2017, my son Aobakwe, 8years old, asked why the day was a holiday in South Africa... I took it as an opportunity to...
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Leera the #SkirtGirlHiker
Jan 24, 20183 min read
So I ticked off that bucket list and its damn liberating
Hey fellow hikers... There's something about that #BucketList that feels so surreal when you tick off something you've wanted to do over...
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